Car parks

Surfaces used for vehicle traffic have special requirements to protect them from deterioration over time due to their subjection to intense use. Constant turning, acceleration and braking will test the endurance and surface adhesion of materials used in the construction of cark parks, garages, vehicle dealerships and aircraft hangars etc.

Flooring systems for vehicle traffic WITH waterproofing

On many projects we will be faced with the challenge of constructing a flooring system which combines resistance and durability for vehicle traffic requirements as well as excellent waterproofing properties. In such cases the best option is to apply a coat of 100% pure polyurea TECNOCOAT P-2049 waterproofing system, ideal for flooring subject to extreme use and conditions with proven results in terms of tensile strength (23 MPa), adhesion to the surface (>50Kpa), durability (>90) and expansion capacity (>300%).

In addition TECOCOAT P-2049 dries in just 3 seconds, allowing practical application in areas with unstable weather conditions and frequent rain.

Pavimento Tecnocoat

1. Support preparation

Vehicle parking flooring systems can be applied on a wide range of existing surfaces (mortar, cement, traditional waterproof sheeting, ceramics, wood etc), using a few simple steps.

tecnoband 100
Geotextile reinforcement band+info
Mastic PU masilla de poliuretano
Polyurethane mastic+info

2. Primer layer

First apply a coat of primer resin to ensure maximum adhesion to the surface.

Primer PU-1000
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer+info
Primer PUc-1050
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer (low ambient temperatures)+info
Primer EPw-1070
Two component, epoxy resin as a primer+info
Primert Wet
Two component, epoxy resin as a primer for damp conditions+info

3. Waterproofing layer

We will then use a TECNOCOAT polyurea membrane.

Pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info

4. Finish layer

The finishing coat consists of an aliphatic polyurethane resin, highly resistant to UV rays and hard wearing (suitable for pedestrian/vehicle traffic), and to which an anti-slip finish may also be added (conforms to CTE DB SUA, Class 3 classification (Rd >45), according to UNE-ENV 12633:2003).

Tecnotop 2c
Two component, aliphatic polyurethane resin suitable as a flooring and UV rays protection+info

[product pigments]

Tecnoplastic F
Plastic charges for antislip finish+info

Flooring systems for vehicle traffic WITHOUT waterproofing

Pavimento Tecnocoat

1. Support preparation

Vehicle parking flooring systems can be applied on a wide range of existing surfaces (mortar, cement, traditional waterproof sheeting, ceramics, wood etc), using a few simple steps.

tecnoband 100
Geotextile reinforcement band+info
Mastic PU masilla de poliuretano
Polyurethane mastic+info

2. Primer layer

First apply a coat of primer resin to ensure maximum adhesion to the surface

Primer PU-1000
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer+info
Primer PUc-1050
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer (low ambient temperatures)+info
Primer EPw-1070
Two component, epoxy resin as a primer+info
Primert Wet
Two component, epoxy resin as a primer for damp conditions+info

3. Pavement layer

The finishing coat consists of an aliphatic polyurethane resin, highly resistant to UV rays and hard wearing (suitable for pedestrian/vehicle traffic), and to which an anti-slip finish may also be added (conforms to CTE DB SUA, Class 3 classification (Rd >45), according to UNE-ENV 12633:2003).

Tecnotop 2c
Two component, aliphatic polyurethane resin suitable as a flooring and UV rays protection+info
tecnofloor tw-3040
Two component epoxy resin for flooring+info
tecnofloor t-3020
Two component, colored epoxy resin for flooring+info
tecnofloor pu-3060
Two component polyurethane resin for flooring+info

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