Flat roofs

cubierta plana transitable


TECNOPOL systems are ideal for waterproofing and protecting any project, regardless of its geometry, surface material or required finish.

The quality of the system applied, whether TECNOCOAT or DESMOPOL, is recognised worldwide thanks to the numerous certifications and approvals it holds (EOTA, BBA, EN, ISO...). Tecnopol's technical team has developed a system to satisfy all the professionals involved in the construction process: designers, engineers, architects, builders, applicators and end users.



TECNOPOL flat roof coverings

cubierta plana transitable

1 Surface preparation

TECNOPOL finishes for flat roofs and terraces can be applied on a wide range of existing surfaces (mortar, cement, traditional waterproof sheeting, ceramics, wood etc), using a few simple steps.

tecnoband 100
Geotextile reinforcement band+info
Mastic PU masilla de poliuretano
Polyurethane mastic+info

2. Primer

First apply a coat of primer resin to ensure maximum adhesion to the surface.[product primer-pu-1050]

Primer PUc-1050
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer (low ambient temperatures)+info
Primer EPw-1070
Two component, epoxy resin as a primer+info

3. Waterproofing membrane

Depending on the system chosen a membrane from either the DESMOPOL or TECNOCOAT range will be used.

Membrana desmopol
Polyurethane membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Tecnocoat P-2049 LV
Low-viscosity pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Stretchable pure polyurea membrane (>600%)for waterproofing and coating+info
Desmoplus 1 Layer
Additive to allows the the application of the Desmopol membrane in a single layer+info

4. Finish layer

The TECNOPOL finishing coat consists of an aliphatic polyurethane resin, highly resistant to UV rays and hard wearing (can be walked on), and to which an anti-slip finish may also be added (conforms to CTE DB SUA, Class 3 classification (Rd >45), according to UNE-ENV 12633:2003).

Tecnotop 2c
Two component, aliphatic polyurethane resin suitable as a flooring and UV rays protection+info

[product pigments]

Tecnoplastic F
Plastic charges for antislip finish+info

Ceramic covered terrace

Sistema acabado cerámico

1. Surface preparation

Ceramic finish flat roof flooring can be applied on whole wide range of existing surfaces (mortar, cement, traditional waterproof sheeting, acrylic paint, existing ceramic paving, wood etc).

tecnoband 100
Geotextile reinforcement band+info
Mastic PU masilla de poliuretano
Polyurethane mastic+info

2. Primer

First apply a coat of primer resin to ensure maximum adhesion to the surface.

Primer PU-1000
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer+info
Primer PUc-1050
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer (low ambient temperatures)+info
Primer EPw-1070
Two component, epoxy resin as a primer+info

3. Waterproofing membrane

Depending on the system chosen a membrane from either the DESMOPOL or TECNOCOAT range will be used.

Membrana desmopol
Polyurethane membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Tecnocoat P-2049 LV
Low-viscosity pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Stretchable pure polyurea membrane (>600%)for waterproofing and coating+info
Desmoplus 1 Layer
Additive to allows the the application of the Desmopol membrane in a single layer+info

4. Mechanical Fixing

To improve adhesion of the mortar and facilitate the positioning of the final paving, an anchoring coat should be first applied by sprinkling dry silica over a fine layer of polyurethane resin.

Primer PU-1000
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer+info
Silica Sand
Antislip charges+info

5. Finish layer

The finishing layer of ceramic material will be positioned directly on top of the anchoring coat.

Plot paving

suelo técnico plots

1. Surface preparation

Our finishes for raised flooring on roofs and terraces (using individual pieces positioned directly over the surface or via bases or pedestals) can be applied on a wide range of existing surfaces (mortar, cement, traditional waterproof sheeting, ceramics, wood etc).

tecnoband 100
Geotextile reinforcement band+info
Mastic PU masilla de poliuretano
Polyurethane mastic+info

2. Primer

First apply a coat of primer resin to ensure maximum adhesion to the surface.

Primer PU-1000
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer+info
Primer PUc-1050
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer (low ambient temperatures)+info
Primer EPw-1070
Two component, epoxy resin as a primer+info

3. Waterproofing membrane

Depending on the system chosen a membrane from either the DESMOPOL or TECNOCOAT range will be used.

Membrana desmopol
Polyurethane membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Tecnocoat P-2049 LV
Low-viscosity pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Stretchable pure polyurea membrane (>600%)for waterproofing and coating+info
Desmoplus 1 Layer
Additive to allows the the application of the Desmopol membrane in a single layer+info

4. Finish layer

The raised flooring finish will then be positioned directly over the waterproofing membrane.

Flat roofs for vehicle traffic

tráfico rodado

1. Surface preparation

Our finishes for flat roofs designed for vehicle traffic can be applied on a wide range of existing surfaces, typically concrete, using a simple preparation process, and are designed to meet aesthetic demands as well as waterproofing considerations.

tecnoband 100
Geotextile reinforcement band+info
Mastic PU masilla de poliuretano
Polyurethane mastic+info

2. Primer

A primer resin should be first applied to ensure adhesion to the surface.

Primer PU-1000
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer+info
Primer PUc-1050
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer (low ambient temperatures)+info
Primer EPw-1070
Two component, epoxy resin as a primer+info

3. Waterproofing membrane

The TECNOCOAT waterproof membrane is applied directly over the primer resin.

Pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Tecnocoat P-2049 HR
High-strength pure polyurea membrane for wateproofing and coating+info

4. Finish layer

The finishing coat consists of an aliphatic resin, highly resistant to UV rays and hard wearing (can be walked on), and to which an anti-slip finish may also be added (conforms to CTE DB SUA, Class 3 classification (Rd >45), according to UNE-ENV 12633:2003)..

Tecnotop 2c
Two component, aliphatic polyurethane resin suitable as a flooring and UV rays protection+info

[product pigments]

Tecnoplastic F
Plastic charges for antislip finish+info

TECNOFOAM inverted flat roofs

cubierta invertida tecnofoam

Flat roofs with thermal insulation based on TECNOFOAM polyurethane foam applied to the outside of the system are known as “inverted”. These offer a simple and effective solution solely requiring protection for the foam from UV rays which would otherwise degrade the aromatic material.

1. Surface preparation

Finishes for flat roofs with thermal insulation based on TECNOFOAM polyurethane foam may be applied on a wide range of existing surfaces (mortar, cement, traditional waterproof sheeting, ceramics, wood etc), using a few simple steps.

tecnoband 100
Geotextile reinforcement band+info
Mastic PU masilla de poliuretano
Polyurethane mastic+info

2. Primer

First apply a coat of primer resin to ensure maximum adhesion to the surface.

Primer PU-1000
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer+info
Primer PUc-1050
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer (low ambient temperatures)+info
Primer EPw-1070
Two component, epoxy resin as a primer+info

3. Waterproofing membrane

Depending on the system chosen a membrane from either the DESMOPOL or TECNOCOAT range will be used.

Membrana desmopol
Polyurethane membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Tecnocoat P-2049 LV
Low-viscosity pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Stretchable pure polyurea membrane (>600%)for waterproofing and coating+info
Desmoplus 1 Layer
Additive to allows the the application of the Desmopol membrane in a single layer+info

4. Isolation layer

The coat of TECNOFOAM poyurethane foam is applied directly onto the membrane before it has completely polymerized.

Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) system for thermal insulation(applied density ±55 kg/m³)+info
Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) system for thermal insulation(applied density ±40 kg/m³)+info
Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) system for thermal insulation(applied density ±35 kg/m³)+info

5. Finish layer

For UV ray protection a final coat should be applied using a highly resistant aliphatic polyurethane resin.

Tecnotop 2c
Two component, aliphatic polyurethane resin suitable as a flooring and UV rays protection+info

[product pigments]

Traditional inverted flat roofs

cubierta invertida tradicional

Flat roofs with thermal insulation (in this case polystyrene panels) located on the outside of the system are known as “inverted”. These offer a simple and effective solution where one simply needs to take extra care with the ballasting given that mechanical attachment will not be possible as this type of flooring is positioned on top of the waterproof membrane.

1. Surface preparation

Ballasted flat flooring with thermal insulation may be applied on a wide range of existing surfaces (mortar, cement, traditional waterproof sheeting, ceramics, wood etc.), using a few simple steps.

tecnoband 100
Geotextile reinforcement band+info
Mastic PU masilla de poliuretano
Polyurethane mastic+info

2. Primer

First apply a coat of primer resin to ensure maximum adhesion to the surface.

Primer PU-1000
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer+info
Primer PUc-1050
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer (low ambient temperatures)+info
Primer EPw-1070
Two component, epoxy resin as a primer+info

3. Waterproofing membrane

Depending on the system chosen a membrane from either the DESMOPOL or TECNOCOAT range will be used.

Membrana desmopol
Polyurethane membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Tecnocoat P-2049 LV
Low-viscosity pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Stretchable pure polyurea membrane (>600%)for waterproofing and coating+info
Desmoplus 1 Layer
Additive to allows the the application of the Desmopol membrane in a single layer+info

4. Isolation layer

The polystyrene panels are positioned directly over the membrane, taking care to ensure they are correctly overlapped and fitted.

5. Ballast layer

To ensure correct positioning of polystyrene panels these should be ballasted with, for example, dry aggregates.

Fifth facade

sistema quinta cubierta

Our liquid and continuous waterproofing systems provide the ideal solution for ensuring continuity with the other vertical facades usually produced using continuous mortar, offering both functionality and a consistent aesthetic finish.

1. Surface preparation

The procedure will consist of first ensuring correct preparation to ensure a good initial appearance of the surface, typically made of concrete, bearing in mind that the final aesthetic finish is a key element of the process.

tecnoband 100
Geotextile reinforcement band+info
Mastic PU masilla de poliuretano
Polyurethane mastic+info

2. Primer

First apply a coat of primer resin to ensure maximum adhesion to the surface

Primer PU-1000
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer+info
Primer PUc-1050
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer (low ambient temperatures)+info
Primer EPw-1070
Two component, epoxy resin as a primer+info

3. Waterproofing membrane

Depending on the system chosen a membrane from either the DESMOPOL or TECNOCOAT range will be used.

Membrana desmopol
Polyurethane membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Tecnocoat P-2049 LV
Low-viscosity pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Stretchable pure polyurea membrane (>600%)for waterproofing and coating+info
Desmoplus 1 Layer
Additive to allows the the application of the Desmopol membrane in a single layer+info

4. Finish layer

The TECNOPOL finish consists of an aliphatic polyurethane resin, highly resistant to UV rays and hard wearing (can be walked on), which is applied using either airless equipment or a roller.

Tecnotop 2c
Two component, aliphatic polyurethane resin suitable as a flooring and UV rays protection+info

[product pigments]

Garden area roofs & flooring

cubierta ajardinada

1. Support preparation

Finishes designed for garden area roofs and flooring may be applied on a wide range of existing surfaces (mortar, cement, traditional waterproof sheeting, ceramics, wood etc.)

tecnoband 100
Geotextile reinforcement band+info
Mastic PU masilla de poliuretano
Polyurethane mastic+info

2. Primer

First apply a coat of primer resin to ensure maximum adhesion to the surface.

Primer PU-1000
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer+info
Primer PUc-1050
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer (low ambient temperatures)+info
Primer EPw-1070
Two component, epoxy resin as a primer+info

3. Waterproofing membrane

Depending on the system chosen a membrane from either the DESMOPOL or TECNOCOAT range will be used.

Membrana desmopol
Polyurethane membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Tecnocoat P-2049 LV
Low-viscosity pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Stretchable pure polyurea membrane (>600%)for waterproofing and coating+info
Desmoplus 1 Layer
Additive to allows the the application of the Desmopol membrane in a single layer+info

4. Finish layer

The company responsible for the design and style of the gardened roof area will need to decide on the various additional coats required for this type of finish.

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