Asbestos encapsulation

amianto encapsulado sistema

Asbestos is dangerous because of the shape of its microscopic fibres rather than its chemical composition.

Asbestos is a tremendously effective fire-resistant and heat-resistant material, which is why it was widely used from the Second World War onwards, but it was later discovered that it can cause serious health problems, including several types of cancer, and its use was banned from 1980 onwards.

Despite this ban asbestos is still present in older structures and removing it is expensive and complicated, so in many cases we opt for the encapsulation process, this prevents the asbestos from being released into the air and therefore avoids any health related problems.

A second advantage of this process is that the fire resistance benefits of asbestos remain unchanged.

Another huge advantage of this system is that it is cheaper and simpler than the process of removing the material.

Stabilisation or encapsulation

This consists of applying an elastomeric material, in liquid form, to the asbestos-containing material by spray and/or injection, in order to prevent the release of asbestos fibres into the environment. Stabilisation can be done either by creating a membrane on the surface (covering stabilisation) or by penetrating into the material, binding the components (penetrating stabilisation).

The TECNOCOAT CAPSULE system can completely isolate and neutralise carcinogenic asbestos fibres while at the same time waterproofing, insulating and making the roof more robust. Moreover, in 70% less time than asbestos removal, and at half the cost. All this without generating any toxic asbestos waste.

encapsulado amianto


[guia 29]


Tecnopol Capsule Standard system

Sistema Capsule amianto

1. Cleaning

The roof must be cleaned of dust and green mould, as well as any other elements on the surface that may prevent the system from adhering properly. To do this we will use bleach dissolved in water in a proportion of 10 to 20%. This mixture is applied with a low pressure cleaner.

2. Singular points

The excess part of the screws that protrude more than 1 cm must be cut off using shears.

Joints between panels, screws, joints with vertical faces and any other particularity that represents an angle or protrusion should be treated with MASTIC PU and TECNOBAND 100.

[product mastic-pu]

tecnoband 100
Geotextile reinforcement band+info

3. Primer

On a dry and clean substrate, apply a first coat of PRIMER EPw-1070 water-based epoxy primer using air-less equipment, thus improving the adhesion and flatness of the substrate. See the technical data sheet of this product for more information.

[product primer-epw-1070]

4. Protection and encapsulation

Apply, using TECNOPOL TC2049 type spraying equipment, several coats of TECNOCOAT P-2049 until a minimum thickness of 1.4 mm is achieved.

Pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info

5. UV protection

In order to protect the system from UV rays, it is necessary to apply an aliphatic protection layer, using air-less equipment, of a layer of our TECNOTOP 2C polyurethane resin.

Tecnotop 2c
Two component, aliphatic polyurethane resin suitable as a flooring and UV rays protection+info

Tecnopol Capsule with insulation system

Sistema Capsule amianto aislamiento térmico

1. Cleaning

The roof must be cleaned of dust and green mould, as well as any other elements on the surface that may prevent the system from adhering properly. To do this we will use bleach dissolved in water in a proportion of 10 to 20%. This mixture is applied with a low pressure cleaner.

2. Singular points

The excess part of the screws that protrude more than 1 cm must be cut off using shears.

Joints between panels, screws, joints with vertical faces and any other particularity that represents an angle or protrusion should be treated with MASTIC PU and TECNOBAND 100.

[product mastic-pu]

[product tecnoband-100]

3. Thermal Insulation

Apply a layer of TECNOFOAM G-2050 directly onto the clean and dry substrate using a spray gun.

[product tecnofoam-g-2050]

4. Protection and encapsulation

Apply several coats of TECNOCOAT P-2049 LV with a spraying equipment (the same can be used as for the foam) until a minimum thickness of 1.4 mm is achieved.

[product tecnocoat-p-2049-lv]

5. UV protection

In order to protect the system from UV rays, it is necessary to apply an aliphatic protection layer, using air-less equipment, of a layer of our TECNOTOP 2C polyurethane resin.

Tecnotop 2c
Two component, aliphatic polyurethane resin suitable as a flooring and UV rays protection+info