Swimming pools, fountains and water parks

sistema piscinas

Thanks to its versatility, the TECNOCOAT P-2049 liquid waterproofing system is used in different applications such as swimming pools, water parks, aquariums and in general, areas with chlorinated or salt water for cleaning and disinfection or intended for human consumption; achieving a completely continuous coating, without joints, and carried out on a multitude of supports.

Used in new construction or rehabilitation of old aquatic complexes, it reduces construction costs and offers a greater waterproofing solution with versatile and high quality finishes.

The DECORATIVE finishes that can be achieved with our pure polyurea membrane are varied including finishes with different colours and achieving anti-slip surfaces in accordance with existing regulations.


New build

sistema piscinas

1 Support preparation

Swimming pools, fountains, ponds etc. can be completed with a wide range of finishes on a variety of underlying surfaces (mortar, concrete, traditional waterproofing sheets, acrylic paints, ceramics and even wood…) using a few simple preparatory steps

tecnoband 100
Geotextile reinforcement band+info
Mastic PU masilla de poliuretano
Polyurethane mastic+info

2 Primer

A primer resin should first be applied to ensure adhesion.

Primer PU-1000
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer+info
Primer EPw-1070
Two component, epoxy resin as a primer+info
Primer PUc-1050
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer (low ambient temperatures)+info

3 Waterproofing membrane

The TECNOCOAT or DESMOPOL membrane will then be applied directly over the primer.

Pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Stretchable pure polyurea membrane (>600%)for waterproofing and coating+info
Membrana desmopol
Polyurethane membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Desmoplus 1 Layer
Additive to allows the the application of the Desmopol membrane in a single layer+info

[product desmothix]

Specific solvent for dilution and cleaning +info


As this is an aromatic membrane it will be necessary to protect it with a finishing coat. Depending on the desired appearance there are a number of available options: TECNOTOP 2CP, mosaic tiles, ceramics, etc.

Tecnotop 2cp
Two component, aliphatic polyurethane resin suitable as a flooring and UV rays protection (suitable for full immersion and chlorinated behavior)+info

[product pigments]


sistema piscinas rehabilitacion

1 Support preparation

Swimming pools, fountains, ponds etc. needing renovation may present a variety of underlying surfaces (mortar, concrete, traditional waterproofing sheets, acrylic paints, ceramics and even wood…). Before applying our products a few simple preparatory steps should be taken.

tecnoband 100
Geotextile reinforcement band+info
Mastic PU masilla de poliuretano
Polyurethane mastic+info

2 Primer

A primer resin should first be applied to ensure adhesion.

Primer PU-1000
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer+info
Primer EPw-1070
Two component, epoxy resin as a primer+info
Primer PUc-1050
Two component, polyurethane resin as a primer (low ambient temperatures)+info

3 Waterproofing membrane

The TECNOCOAT or DESMOPOL membrane will then be applied directly over the primer

Pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Stretchable pure polyurea membrane (>600%)for waterproofing and coating+info
Membrana desmopol
Polyurethane membrane for waterproofing and coating+info
Desmoplus 1 Layer
Additive to allows the the application of the Desmopol membrane in a single layer+info

[product desmothix]

Specific solvent for dilution and cleaning +info


As this is an aromatic membrane it will be necessary to protect it with a finishing coat. Depending on the desired appearance there are a number of available options: TECNOTOP 2CP, mosaic tiles, ceramics, etc.

Tecnotop 2cp
Two component, aliphatic polyurethane resin suitable as a flooring and UV rays protection (suitable for full immersion and chlorinated behavior)+info

[product pigments]
