- It allows the application of Desmopol in aone thick layer, saving execution time since it eliminates intermediate processes.
- Eliminates the formation of internal bubbles and other defects in the curing of the membrane, it improves the quality of the Desmopol membrane
- Reduces drying and curing times on polyurethane membrane Desmopol especially in winter, cold weather, low humidity.
- Increases the mechanical properties of the polyurethane membrane Desmopol
- Use Desmosolvent for the cleaning.
- Do not use any kind of spray machine, to apply polyurethane membrane Desmopol when mixed with Desmoplus
The mandatory consumption is fixed and invariable depending on the Desmopol format to be used:
- 2l. (1.70 kg) of each 25 kg. of Desmopol
- 1.2l (1.00 kg). of each 15 kg. of Desmopol
- 0.5 l. (0.430 kg) of each 6 kg. of Desmopol
NOTE: these consumptions are invariable and fixed, they cannot be varied, neither by excess nor by defect, otherwise the membrane will not form in the adequate conditions of use. During mixing, use mechanical equipment at half revolutions to avoid the inclusion of air inside.
Metal tins in three different formats: 2 l (1.7 kg) / 1.2l (1 kg) / 0.5 l (0.430 kg)
12 months at temperatures between 5 and 35° C (41 to 95 ºF), provided it is stored in a dry place. Once the tin has been opened, the product must be used.
You should consider the following factors:
- One metal tin of 2l. (1.7 kg) is the needed amount required for optimal response, making the mixture with 25 kg of Desmopol
- One metal tin of 1.2l.(1 kg) is the needed amount required for optimal response, making the mixture with 15 kg of Desmopol
- One metal tin of 0.5l. (0.430 kg) is the needed amount required for optimal response, making the mixture with 6 kg of Desmopol
- Shake Desmoplus, before the mixing procedure
- Incorporate Desmoplus into the polyurethane membrane Desmopol metal tin, wait for 3-4 minutes, and homogenize with an electric/mechanical mixer to avoid air entrainment and wait for 3-4 minutes. Check on the Desmopol TDS the point "APPLICATION TYPOLOGIES", section "Single coat application (mixing Desmoplus).
- The pot life is around 90 minutes.
- Pour the material on the surface, sharing with a notched trowel to get the desired thickness (You can also do this with roll or rubber lip)
- The drying time is between 1 and 3 hours. (Results have been performed in the laboratory at 23ºC (73ºF) and 50% RH, under controllable conditions. These values may vary depending on the application, climatology, or substrate conditions).
- On high ambient temperatures situation, open the Desmopol drums, proceed with a low-speed agitation to stir resin to try to refresh the temperature, in order to don't increase the chemical speed reaction and therefore maintain the time of ".pot life "
Respiratory Protection: When handling or spraying use an air-purifying respirator. Skin protection: Use rubber gloves, remove immediately after contamination. Wear clean body-covering. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after work and before eating, drinking, or smoking. Eye / Face: Wear safety goggles to prevent splashing and exposure to particles in the air. Waste: Waste generation should be avoided or minimized. Incinerate under controlled conditions in accordance with local laws and national regulations. Re-occupancy of the work site without respiratory equipment is minimum 24 hours providing the correct ventilation for the area sprayed. Contractors and applicators must comply with all applicable and appropriate guidelines for storage and safety guidelines.These safety recommendations for handling, are necessary for the implementation process as well as in the pre and post, on exposure to the loading machinery. Dispose waste in accordance with star or/and local regulations.